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9 of the 10 fat-tailed mouse opossums (not the Paraguayan Fat-Tailed Mouse Opossum), the Fat-Tailed Dunnart, the Fat-Tailed False Antechinus, and 4 of the 5 pygmy possums (not the Mountain Pygmy Possum) are mouse-like marsupials that store fat in their tails.

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Q: What mouse-like marsupial stores fat in its tail?
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What happens to the Tasmanian devil's tail after it is well fed?

A Tasmanian devil that is well fed has a thicker tail. This marsupial stores surplus fat in its tail.

What is a marsupial mouse-like creature that stores fat in its tail and can eat as much as its own bodyweight?

I believe it be the fat tailed shrew.

What animal stores its fat in its tail?

A Leopard Gecko stores its fat in its tail.

Why does the Tasmanian devil have a short thick tail?

The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial and, like most marsupials, it has reserves of fat in its tail. A fat tail is the sign of a healthy Tasmanian devil.

How fat can a platypus get?

Platypuses do not get fat. They are active, streamlined animals. Their tail, on the other hand, stores fat. A platypus stores most of its body fat in its tail to help it survive when food is limited, and to prepare for when the female must incubate her eggs and care for the young when they hatch.

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I live in KY and have have killed two in the last week . . . one was fat and 9"long the other fat and 6" long.

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the tail

Why does a platypus store fat inside of its tail?

Platypuses do not always have a big tail. The size of a platypus's tail is a indication of how healthy it is, and how much food has been available. A platypus stores most of its body fat in its tail to help it survive when food is limited, and to prepare for when the female must incubate her eggs and care for the young when they hatch. The tail is also useful for other purposes, and needs to be a good size in order to perform these functions. During the breeding season, the female digs herself a chamber within her deep burrow, and this chamber is lined with leaves and other nesting material. The female with carry this nesting material rolled underneath her tail as she climbs up and down steep riverbanks. In addition, the tail of a platypus helps the animal to swim and acts as a rudder when it dives.

Can an African fat-tail gecko live without tail?

AFT's have the ability to loose their tail for defence purposes. The tail will grow back, more than likely an odd blunt tip, but it does regenerate. Thus, your African fat tail will be able to continue life without it's tail.

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Do Beaver have tails?

The platypus does not actually have a tail like a beaver.The beaver's tail is broader and flatter than a platypus's, and covered with special scales. The platypus's tail is covered with dense fur.Their tails serve different purposes. The beaver's tail is used to help propel it along in the water. The platypus's tail is used as a rudder, for steering when it is swimming, but it also stores fat. A thicker tail is the sign of a healthier platypus.

Which is more deadly a fat tail or a death stalker?

Fat tail is considered to be a lot more toxic then deathstalker. I know this because I got both as pets for several months now and the fat tail kills the pinkie mice with its stinger a lot quicker