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water cycle

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Q: What movement of water from earth to the air and back to to the eath?
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Related questions

How much of plant eath is water?

about 2/3 or 67% of earth is water

Is there more water or land on the eath?

There is about 3 times more water surface than land on Earth.

Why do they call eath water planet?

Because the Earth's surface is primarily water. 70.8% of the surface is water, 29.2 % is land.

When and where did Apollo 11 land when it came back to eath?

when and wheere did Apollo land when it came back to eath? when and wheere did Apollo land when it came back to eath?

How much of the earth is covered in water and the major oceans is the largest?

anout 85% of eath is covered by oceans

What is eath day?

There is no such thing as 'eath day', though there is an Earth Day. its on April 22nd, if that's what you're referring to.

Which planet is the only planet in your solar systems known to have liquid water?

earth is the only planet with most water cant you see you live in the earth. earth is the solar systems water, plants, and human planet you know? so that's your answer eath is the planet with the most water.

What galaxy is eath in?

Earth is located in the Milky Way Galaxy.

How much does eath ocean cover the earth surface?

71 pecent of the earth

What was eath named after?

Earth was named earth because of the great inventer alexader earth god known in alstrallia

What features of the eath's alignment causing seasons?

umm does it have to do with the rotation of the earth

If the center of the earth is its hottest part why is it solid?

What is a solid center of eath