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1. We can isometrically contract any skeletal muscle of our body. We can contract just one skeletal muscle of the body without contracting any other.

However, we should be masters of Original Meditation to be able to put the small muscles of the head into pure isometric contraction. These are muscles of face, muscles within the oral cavity, muscles in front of the neck, those around eye ball and those in the middle ear.

2. We can Isometrically contract and relax all the skeletal muscles of the body as a single unit.

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An isometric contraction builds tension but there is no joint movement.

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An isometric contraction is when the muscle does not shorten and no movement results.

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An Isotonic muscle contraction is a muscle contraction that makes your limbs move whereas an Isometric contraction is a muscle contraction where the limbs stay static

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If the muscle can not shorten because the muscle is trying to move a load that is greater than the force, then the contraction is isometric.

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An isometric contraction is the name given to a skeletal muscle that does not shorten, but increases tension. The muscles generate force to protect themselves.

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