

What muscle are use during flexing elbow?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Triceps and Biceps

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Q: What muscle are use during flexing elbow?
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What muscle flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm?

to flex the forearm at the elbow, you use the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradial (to a lesser extent).to supinate the forearm, you use the biceps brachii and the supinator muscles.the biceps brachii does both motions.

What are two major muscles used when flexing your arm?

When flexing your arm you would use shoulder muscles, mainly the deltoids and pectoralis major. If you flex your elbow (which most people think means flexing your arm, but is really the forearm), then you would use your biceps, brachialis. and brachioradialis muscles, which would be three muscles, depending on the orientation of the forearm.

What is difference between extending and flexing your arm at the elbow?

Flexion is the act of bringing two bones closer together, decreasing the angle between the two bones. Extension is the act of increasing the angle between two bones, resulting in a straightening motion.

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the PC muscle is the one you use to stop you peeing if you can do that, you on the right path while you pee stop your self then the muscle you should get the idea which one then you can do that all day if you choose too as you do that you should find sex lasts longer

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Your lats.

What is the muscle on the back of the upper arm called?

I think you are referring to the triceps. This is the muscle that attaches at the elbow and the shoulder. The one that you use when extending your arm. biceps; up triceps; under

How do you use elbow in a sentence?

An elbow is a joint that helps you bend your arm.

What is the purpose of your triceps?

The primary function of the biceps muscles is elbow flexion or mowing your arm towards the shoulder. It's secondary function is hand/arm supination, which is the movement of your hand from facing downward to facing upwards. On the other hand, the triceps' primary function is to straighten the arm or extending the elbow. The triceps' muscles also helps in the movement of the arm towards the body or moving your arm from out to inside or towards the mid line of your body which is called adduction. this secondary function is performed together with the muscle Latissimus Dorsi.

Can i use my elbow in boxing?

You can use it to the extent that you use it to bend your arm. If you're asking if you can strike your opponent with your elbow... no, that would be against the rules.

What is the USE of elbow pads?

The useful pad will protect your elbow from hard contact and fractures.

What joint do you use to lift the barbell?

you use your elbow