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fast-twitch fibers

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Q: What muscle fibers have fast contractions and a high level of glycogen stores?
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What stores energy in muscle?

Muscles do store a form of glycogen for energy conversion.

What are the major functions of glycogen granule?

The major storage form of energy in animals is glycogen ,it is stored in glycogen granule . Therefore glycogen granules in muscle cell act as stores of energy , since muscle cells requires alot of energy to perform their functions.

What stores calcium important in muscle contractions?

The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum stores calcium and releases it through the terminal cisternae into the tubule.

Which organs carbohydrate stores deplete with long term aerobic exercise?

your liver, especially when low on muscle glycogen

What are 10 facts about muscles?

1. There are three types of muscle fibers: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle.2. Skeletal muscles are called voluntary muscles because they are under your own volitional control.3. Muscle tissue is derived from mesoderm.4. The word muscle is derived from the Latin musculus, meaning "mouse."5. Muscles are usually paired - agonist and antagonist - because muscles can only produce force on contractions.6. There are two types of muscle fibers: fast twitch and slow twitch. Slow twitch fibers can contract for long periods of time, while fast twitch fibers produce quick and powerful contractions but fatigue relatively rapidly.7. Contraction of muscle fibers is produced by the interaction between actin and myosin molecules.8. Muscles use a variety of sources of fuel depending on the intensity and duration of exercise. From short and intense to long and lower-intensity exercise, the fuel source changes from ATP, PCr, Lactic Acid Fermentation of Glucose, Aerobic Respiration Using Glucose, Aerobic Respiration Using Fat.9. Muscles typically store carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, allowing ready access to energy stores in times of energetic activity.10. In addition to motor axons that produce contractions, muscle cells contain sensory neurons that transmit information about muscle length and tension to the central nervous system.

What is the difference between fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers?

Fast twitch muscle fibers are Type II muscle fibers. These muscle fibers have high explosive power and are anaerobic. They have a fast contractile speed and can reach peak tension in 50ms. They have a high glycolytic capacity and have low to moderate resistance to fatigue. Their motor unit strength is high.Slow twitch muscle fibers are Type I muscle fibers. These muscle fibers have steady power and are aerobic. The have a slow contractile speed and needs 110ms to reach peak tension. They have a low glycolytic capacity and a high resistance to fatigue. Their motor unit strength is low.

Where does the body stores glycogen?

The glycogen is stored in the Liver

What organ stores excess blood sugar as glycogen?

The liver and skeletal muscle store glucose as glycogen. The liver can make glucose from proteins and release it from glycogen to help keep blood glucose at a normal level when we are fasting.

The major storage sites for glycogen in the body are?

In the body the major storage sites for glycogen are the muscles and the liver. Glycogen is found in low concentration areas of the body.

What is a polysaccharide that stores energy in your muscles and liver?

I believe its glycogen found in liver and muscles which is made of glucose to give us energy

When does muscle fatigue occur?

Muscle Fatique occurs when low o2 conditions deplete Atp and cp stores acaerobic respiration creates lactic acid. drops in ph and o2 debt lead to failure of the muscle to maintaain contractions

What stores energy in the form of glycogen?
