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Sharpey's Fibers

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sharpey's fibers

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Q: What muscle is attached to the periosteum of the bone?
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What attach muscle to the bone?

muscles are attached to bone by fibrous connective tissue called tendons. Tendons attach the muscle to the bone by connecting and growing into the periosteum which surrounds the bone forming an anchor for the muscle.

What attach's muscles to the bone?

muscles are attached to bone by fibrous connective tissue called tendons. Tendons attach the muscle to the bone by connecting and growing into the periosteum which surrounds the bone forming an anchor for the muscle.

What anchors a muscle to the bone?

A tendon, which becomes continuous with the periosteum of the bone.

Tough outer covering of a bone?

Striatrd are the muscles are attached to bones by tendons. Tendons are thick bands that pull on the bone as the muscle contracts and these muscles are voluntary.

The outer covering of a bone is called?

The skin of the bone is called the periosteum

Is every muscle attached to a bone?

Yes,every muscle is attached to a bone.

Where is muscle attached to bone?

muscle attaches to bone by a tendon. muscle is attached to an immovable bone, this is called orgin, and the other end of the muscle is attached to a movable bone. this is called insertion.

What attached bone to muscle?

Tendons connect the bone to the muscle.

Where does the bone get its strength from the periosteum or the spongy bone?


What attaches skeletal muscles to bone?

Skeletal muscles can attach to bones directly and indirectly. A direct attachment is when the epimysium (the sheath of connective tissue surrounding the muscle fibre's exterior surface) sticks to and fuses with the periosteum (the connective tissue surrounding the exterior surface of the bone). An indirect attachment is when the epimysium extends beyond the muscle as a tendon and attaches to the periosteum of the bone. This attachment is more common in the human body than a direct attachment.

What is attaches bone to bone?

ligaments. tendons are muscle attached to muscle.

What happens when a muscle pulls a force on a bone?

skeletal muscles that are attached to ligaments that are attached to bone