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Q: What muscle lengthens during movement?
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Can skeletal muscle contract without shortening?

Yes. One possibility is that the load on the muscle exceeds the tension produced by the muscle so that the muscle actually lengthens during contraction (eccentric contraction).

A muscle contraction means the muscle lengthens as it relaxes true or false?


When a muscle contracts how does its form change?

A muscle that contracts shortens whereas a muscle that relaxes lengthens.

What term means the lack of the muscle coordination during voluntary movement?

Ataxia: the lack of muscle coordination during voluntary movement.

What is an example of an isotonic contraction?

An Isotonic contraction is when a muscle becomes longer or shorter to produce force and therefore an example is a bicep curl. During the downward phase your muscle (bicep) lengthens and during the upward phase your muscle (bicep) shortens.

What movement lengthens the fibers of the biceps brachii?

Pronation of the forearm and the flexion of the elbow

A contraction in which a muscle exerts force lengthens and is overcome by a resistance?

Eccentric contraction (isotonic)

What is the antagonist muscle when performing leg curl?

The triceps lengthens when the biceps contracts, making the triceps the antagonist.

What does contraction mean in medical terms?

contract or "contraction" is when a muscle fiber lengthens or shortens

What is a Eccentric muscle contraction?

That is the negative portion of a movement. Lowering the weight during a bench press

What is the precision of muscle produced by movement?

The precision of movement produced by a muscle is due

What is a target movement?

A movement that targets one muscle or one section of a muscle.