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During passive breathing the diaphragm moves down for inhalation this pushes the organs of the abdomen down and so pushes the rectus abdominus out, this is why you see your abdomen moving. To assist exhalation the rectus abbominus then contracts pushing the organs back in and so pushing hte diaphrag pack up.

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The muscle that moves up and down when you breathe is called the diaphragm.
The diaphragm sits just below the lungs, and is protected by the ribcage.

Hope this helps.

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Q: What muscle moves down when you inhale and up when you exhale?
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How do you pull a muscle in your diaphragm?

Your diaphragm IS muscle. When we inhale, it is pushed down. When we exhale, it is pulled up.

What layer of muscles move up and down when you breath?

The diaphragm is a muscle that moves or pushes up your lung when you exhale and down when you inhale in order to allow more space for oxygen to fill your lung. Also, your chest expands as you breath in and relax as you exhale.

Does your diaphragm contract and move down when you inhale or exhale?

you inhale when your diaphragm contracts.

What muscle compress and move downward when you inhale?

the diaphragm. It is right above the heart and lungs, and expands and contracts when you breathe in and out. You can almost feel it move down a little, when you release air.

When the diaphragm moves up do you inhale?

No, as you inhale the diaphragm is contracting and pulling down, expanding the lungs. As you breathe out, the muscle relaxes and rises up again.

How do lung intake oxygen?

Simple answer. All your life your lungs inhale and exhale oxygen. This is facilitated by the diaphragm, a muscle just below the lungs. When this muscle moves down a partial vacuum is created allowing the lungs to inflate filling the space created by the moving diaphragm, it then moves up again compressing the lungs and therefore expelling the air in them.

What happens to the diaphragm when you inhale and when you exhale?

When the diaphragm contracts and moves lower, the chest cavity enlarges, reducing the pressure outside the lungs. To equalize the pressure, air enters the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes and moves back up, the elasticity of the lungs and chest wall pushes air out of the lungs.

When you inhale which organ contracts and moves down?

Your diaphragm

What happens to the rib cage when inhaling and exhaling?

it expands as we inhale and contrasts as we exhale...this allows our lungs to fill up with air without pushing on out rib cage the rib cage moves up and out when inhaling and moves down and in when exhaling.

How do you inhale weed?

Take a good puff, then inhale air through your mouth, so you can push the smoke down into your lungs, hold it there for about 5 seconds, exhale.

How should I breathe when doing a sit up?

Exhale while sitting up and inhale while going back down.

Does the diaphragm need to go down to breath in?

The diaphragm moves down and contracts, flattening itself, when you inhale.