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Q: What muscle separates the chest chamber from the abdomen in many animals and in humans?
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What scientific nomenclature separates humans from the animals?

Strictly speaking, only human beings use scientific nomenclature, so I would have to say that all of it separates humans from other animals.

What are some characteristics that separates humans from other animals?

Concern for the welfare of other species.

What separates modern humans from all predecessors and animal relatives?

We humans have a very advanced brain and we can walk on two legs what most animals can't do we also have the ability to speak which no animal has the ability to do

What are the similarities between the human abdomen and the grasshopper abdomen?

It begins in the mouth grasshoppers have mandibles, humans, teeth to chew food. It is then digested in the abdomen, grasshoppers in 8 steps, humans in 6.

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Human brain processing power is way more than AI. This separates humans from Artificial Intelligence.

Special movement of the the thumb that enables it to grasp and hold on object is called what?

Oppositional, a movement that separates humans and other hominids apart from all other animals.

How much DNA separates humans from primates?

The difference is about 1.9% between humans and chimps.

What are animals a like humans?

Humans are animals

where is the abdomen in humans?

It is what a person would call a "belly" and is right below the chest. The "belly button" (umbilicus) is in the middle of the abdomen.

How is awareness regulated by the brain?

Awareness is regulated by cortical areas within the cerebral hemispheres, the outermost layer of the brain that separates humans from other animals by allowing for greater intellectual functioning.

What is the meaning of life without morality is like a beast's life?

The phrase means that morality is what separates humans from other animals. It means that humans have the ability to determine right from wrong and establish moral codes, but when they fail to do so they are no better than beasts.

Are humans animals or something else?

Humans are animals.