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The difference is about 1.9% between humans and chimps.

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Q: How much DNA separates humans from primates?
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How are humans like primates?

the skeletal structure is almost identical a ape such as a gorila. and the dna is 98 to 99%the same to apes. humans are not like primates they are primates.

How do scientist discover that gorillas similar to humans?

DNA profiling proved that we share 98% of our DNA with primates.

Is it a fact that humans are primates?

Absolute unquestioned fact. Christians even agree that humans are a species of primate. Scientists all agree that humans are a species of Great Ape (a group of primates that includes Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, Gorillas).

How are primates and humans similar?

The DNA sequence of humans and chimpanzees are 98.5 percent identical, but now Uppalsa University

Which primates is mostly related to modern humans?

Chimpanzees are our closest living relative. We share 98% of their dna codes.

What may be the model organism for AIDS study?

Besides humans, some look at primates that are closer to human DNA.

What animal is most closely related to humans and what percent of your DNA is the same?

Socially humans are more related to wolves, social carnivorous pack animals. Our DNA is most closely related to other primates.

How can you impact DNA for a science fair project?

You could run DNA of a human and a dog in an electrophoresis gel and show that the DNA is closely related but not the same and make notes that primates are closer to the DNA sequence of humans.

What is the common DNA found in apes?

Biologists classify humans along with other species such as great apes. apes belong to a group known as the primates. The commaon DNA they share is Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA).

What are the in percentages the similarities between DNA and chimpanzees?

This question doesn't make sense. Does the writer mean, "…between (some sort of primates/humans?) and chimpanzees"?

Which molecule separates the DNA helix?

The enzyme Dna helicase does this.

How close are human to primate?

primates share about 95% of our DNA