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Here you have a special kind of muscle called as cardiac muscles. Cardiac muscle has got fallowing properties. They are automaticity, excitability, conductivity, contractility, rhythmicity, and refractoriness. That means it contracts. It contracts rhythmically. It contracts automatically of it's own. It can be stimulated. It conducts the impulse across the length. Once it contracts, it will not contract for some time again. These properties have many implications. The different types of heart cells contract at different pace. The cells from SA node contract at the rate of about 76 per minute. That of AV node contract at the speed of about 60 per minute. The cells of atrium contract with the speed of in between the both types of cells. The cells of ventricle contract at the speed of about 36 per minute. So the final rate of contraction of the heart is decided by SA node. it is called as pace maker. The impulse has to be conducted across the heart in synchronized manner. For that the heart muscle is designed to conduct the electrical impulse. Once stimulated, the muscle fiber takes some rest. That is needed so that the muscle can function non-stop for years together. The property of excitability is needed so that the muscle can be stimulated by a stimulus.

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cardiac muscle! Oh and if you say the heart doesn't have a muscle U R STUPID! It has a muscle

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cardiac muscle

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The heart is a muscle.

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What makes up the walls of the heart are 3 different layers that consist of tissue and muscle. These muscles contract.

What kind of muscle is responsible for the heart pumping action?

The heart itself is a muscle, however the heart all is made up of different muscles. The muscle knows as the MYOCARDIUM makes up the largest portion of the Heart Wall. The myocardium is made up of the cardiac muscle tissue, which is responsible for the pumping action.

Cardiac muscle makes up the bulk of what tissue?

The cardiac muscle tissue us referred to as the heart or myocardium.

What muscles are The only muscles in the heart and makes up the atria and ventricles?

Cardiac Muscle or myocardium are the muscle that make up the heart that contract and relax to pump blood.