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Q: What muscles are involved during the movement phase of a jump shot?
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During the voluntary phase, the tongue aids in pushing and mixing food.Once the food enters the oesophagus, the muscles in the throat undergo a process known as peristalsis. During this phase, the muscles relax and contract to force the food from the mouth into the stomach.tongue

What muscles is contracting eccentrically during the lowering phase of lateral raise?

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latissimus dorsi triceps biceps anterior trunk

Is this True or false erosion and deposition take place during a mass movement.?

During mass movement, the transport phase, the load can be deposited and indeed can cause scouring. However the transport phase itself is only minimally linked to the initial erosion of the load or its final deposition.

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During S phase :)

What is another name for prime mover?

Agonistmuscles cause a movement to occur through their own contraction. [1] For example, the triceps brachii does during the up phase of a push-up (elbow extension). During the down phase of a push-up, the same triceps brachii actively controls elbow flexion while relaxing. It is still the agonist. While resisting gravity during relaxing, the triceps brachii is still the prime mover, or controller, of the joint action. For both of those movements the elbow flexor muscles are the antagonists. Agonists are also referred to, interchangeably, as "prime movers", since they are the muscles being considered that are primarily responsible for generating a specific movement. This term typically describes skeletal muscles.[2]

What is the expansionary phase for a business cycle?

RECOVERY: A early expansionary phase of the business cycle shortly after a contraction has ended, but before a full-blown expansion begins. During a recovery, the unemployment rate remains relatively high, but it is beginning to fall.

If cyber shadow gardna is destroyed by a monster attacking it is set during your opponents end phase?

No, if it leaves the field, it is unable to Set itself during the end phase. It must survive whatever battle it is involved in, and remain on the field.

Which phase develops foundational fitnness and fundamental movement skills?

The toughening phase develops foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills.

Where is the phase where cell division occurs?

Chromosome separation and the cyto-kinetic movement of Cytoplasmic components including the Cell's Membrane occurs during The M Phase.

When performing push ups the concentric phase is?

when you push yourself away from the floor, the lowering phase is the eccentric phase concentric = shortening of muscles - i like to think of this as when the muscles are "working" eccentric = lengthening of muscles - i like to think of this as when the opposite muscles would work to perform the action - e.g. when biceps brachii is eccentric in a bicep curl it is on the lowering phase (i.e. elbow extension - usually performed by triceps brachii)