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The erector spinae

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Chad Rath

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2y ago
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Q: What muscles extend the spine?
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Which muscles extend the spine?

Erector spinae

Column of many muscles that extend the spine?

Erector Spinae

What activities are controlled by muscles of the spine?

The major ones are called erectors and they extend the spinal column.

Does the dorsal musculature of the body act to extend joints?

Yes, the doral musculature of the body acts to extend joints. For instance, the triceps extends the arms, and the paraspinal muscles extend the spine.

What is the deep back muscle responsible for erect posture?

Erector Spinae. These muscles extend the spine and maintain the vertebral column in an erect posture.

What muscles in the back help stabilize the spine?

the muscles in the back help stablize the spine

What is the role of the rectus abdoominus and external oblique muscles in protecting the spine?

These muscles are the core and they give proper posture to the body. That is they support the spine and maintain their optimal position and in turn helps in protecting the spine. for spine, maintaining proper posture is the best protection. So along with lower back muscles the abdominal and oblique muscles help protect the spine

Which muscles extend or straighten a body part?

Extensor muscles extend or straighten a body part.

What are the four muscles that extend the vertebral column?

Longissimus Spinalis Semispinalis Iliocostalis, a minor role in extension but a major role in lateral bending and twisting of the spine Multifidius, a stabilizer muscle, plays a minor role in back extension

What is the function of muscles attached to the spine?


What muscle can do?

Muscles can contract and shorten

Can gymnastics mess up your spinal cord?

The spine is flexible, but can also experience strains and sprains. Most gymnasts do tricks and skills that over-extend the back and stress the muscles. Plus, gymnasts begin training when their bodies are still developing. A gymnast who is barely 15-years old could have already injured her spine and supporting muscles and nerves.