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Q: What muscles should not be used when lifting?
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When lifting objects off the floor it is safest to use the muscles of the?

When lifting a weight off of the floor it's best to use the muscles in your hips primarily, but your back muscles are used in an isometric contraction to keep the spine in the same position as you lift.


When lifting a weight off of the floor it's best to use the muscles in your hips primarily, but your back muscles are used in an isometric contraction to keep the spine in the same position as you lift.

When lifting object off the floor it is safest to use the muscles of the?

When lifting a weight off of the floor it's best to use the muscles in your hips primarily, but your back muscles are used in an isometric contraction to keep the spine in the same position as you lift.

What is the subject and predicate of Lifting weights builds muscles?

Lifting weights = subject builds muscles = predicate

What does weight lifting do for your muscles?

Weight lifting is the process of contracting your muscles with applied pressure. With enough pressure being pushed muscles will eventually grow.

What does what weight lifting do for your muscles?

Weight lifting is the process of contracting your muscles with applied pressure. With enough pressure being pushed muscles will eventually grow.

Which muscle group should you use for lifting or moving objects?

Use the large muscles of your body for lifting, including those of the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs.

What exact muscles are used when lifting a box?

gastrocnemus, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, Gluteus maximus,medius, minimus, Biceps femoris, quadricep muscles.

How do loose arm fat with lifting weights without gaining muscles?

You can't loose arm fat by lifting weights without gaining muscles

What muscles are used when grabbing something?

I think mostly you hand muscles.But your forearms are used to Try using (Grips) or a style of (block lifting)

Which muscle of the body are the strongest for lifting?

It is really important to lift with your legs (actually with your thigh muscles). Although the muscles in your back are very strong, unless your abdominal muscles are up to the task, you can injure your discs by lifting with your back.