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Q: What museum is the tollund man in?
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Where did Tollund Man live?

Tollund Man lived in Denmark during the 4th century BC. His incredibly well-preserved body was found in a peat bog in the town of Tollund in Jutland, Denmark.

Why was he called the tollund man?

The Tollund Man was found in Tollund Bog in Denmark. That's why he is referred to as the Tollund Man.

What country did the tollund man live in?

How did the tollund man live?

Why was the tollund man called tollund man?

The Tollund Man was named after the area where his well-preserved body was found, near the village of Tollund in Denmark.

How old is tollund man?

The Tollund Man is estimated to have lived around 2,400 years ago, during the Iron Age. He was found in a peat bog in Denmark in 1950 and is believed to have been around 30-40 years old when he died.

How old is the tollund man?

The Tollund Man is estimated to have lived over 2,300 years ago during the Iron Age, around 400-200 BCE.

How do they know the tollund man was a man?

Because he has a dick.

Did the tollund man have a job?

The Tollund Man lived during the Iron Age in Denmark and was likely a farmer or a member of a community involved in agricultural activities. His well-preserved body suggests he was not a manual laborer.

Was the Tollund man a slave?

No, the Tollund Man was not a slave. He was a naturally mummified body discovered in a peat bog in Denmark in 1950 and is believed to have been a sacrifice rather than a slave.

What injuries did tollund man have?

Tollund Man, a bog body found in Denmark, had a noose around his neck at the time of his death, indicating he was likely hanged. Examination of his body also revealed that he had a broken collarbone. These injuries suggest a violent and possibly ritualistic death.

What was tollund man last meal?


What is tollund man's real name?
