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Q: What music is a gourd filled with dried seeds?
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What Makes more noise dead than alive?

A gourd. Alive the gourd is filled with water that swells the interior membranes so that nothing inside moves. When the gourd dies the water dries out allowing the inner membranes to shrink to almost nothing. The dried seeds can then rattle against the dried outer shell. Add a stick and you have a maraca.

If you take a dried calabash gourd or coconut shell and fill it with seeds or dried beans what instrument have you created?


What is a Filipino maracas?

A Filipino maracas, also known as "marakas," is a traditional percussion instrument made from dried gourd shells that are filled with seeds or pebbles. When shaken, it produces a rattling sound used in Filipino folk music and dances.

What percussion instrument is made from a hollow gourd with an open end has parallel slits cut in the gourd on one side and is played with a wooden stick?

If allowed to thoroughly dry out, the pulp in the gourd evaporates, leaving only the hard, dried seeds inside. When shaken, such a gourd rattles - the basis of the percussion instrument called the "maraca".

What do you call a dried calabash gourd or coconut shell filled with seeds or dried beans?

Apex: maracas

Is bitter gourd seed monocot or dicot?

Bitter Gourd Seeds are dicot.

Can you bake gourd seeds?

yes you can 100% sure you can

What is a gourd-like plant that has bundles of fuzzy seeds where a gourd would usually be but does not produce gourds?

alysium plant.

What benefits health more fresh or dried papaya seeds?

Dried papaya seeds

Is bitter gourde a monocot or dicot?

Bitter Gourd Seeds are dicot.

Can you eat gourd seeds?

Yes, gourd seeds are edible and can be roasted or eaten raw. They are high in nutrients like protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Be mindful of any allergies or potential digestive issues that may arise from consuming gourd seeds.

Are gourds fruits?

Technically, it would be classified as a fruit because it bears seeds.