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baby it self

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Q: What must a baby blue jay do from when it hatches until it leaves its parents?
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Where does the baby chick get its its food before it hatches?

The egg yolk nourishes the chick until it hatches.

How turtle born from eggs?

The parents have sex and after 4 months the baby turtle hatches

How is a mockingbird born?

A mockingbird is born from an egg laid by the mother bird. The egg is incubated until it hatches, and a baby mockingbird, known as a chick, emerges. The chick is then cared for by the parents in the nest until it is ready to leave and fend for itself.

How long before a baby penguin can leaves its parents?

four days

How old is a baby killer whale when it leaves its parents?

When it is almost 30

What does a baby king cobra do when it is born?

A baby king cobra is usually at least 18 or 19 inches long when it hatches, and fully prepared with deadly venom. It leaves its nest immediately and cares for itself from then on.

What temperature does freezer need to be?

The best way to test this is to simply leave an egg in your freezer overnight. The next morning remove it, then sit on it until it hatches. If a baby alligator hatches from the egg punch yourself inthe face and you win.

Do Bella parents know that she has a baby?

no they do not until she's born

What happens after a snail egg hatches?

you get a baby snail

How are flamingos born?

The two parent flamingos mate. Then, the baby developes inside the mother bird. Then,the embryo comes out of the mother in a big, hard egg. The mother then guards the nest until the little, fluffy white baby hatches.

How are parrots born?

After the parents mate the female lays eggs which she incubates by laying on them and then the baby hatches from the egg.

What is a pig called when it leaves a nursery?

When a baby pig leaves the nursery it is called a piglet. This is the term for a pig until it reaches adulthood.