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Q: What must be added to the polysaccharide to get three glucose molecules?
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Where did cellulose come from?

Celluose is formed from multiple glucose molecules bonding together through dehydration synthesis. Celluose is one of three major polysaccharide molecules within the starch family.

What is the chemical formula of a trisaccharide made of three bonded glucose molecules?

Each glucose molecule has the chemical formula C6H12O6. When three glucose molecules bond, they lose two molecules of water. The chemical formula of a trisaccharide made of three bonded glucose molecules is C18H32O16.

Is polysaccharide a starch?

Yes starch is a polysaccharide. The three most common types of polysaccharides are starch, glycogen, and cellulose. Starch is a glucose polymer and insoluble in water; they must be digested with amylases.

3 different molecules of glucose?

Three glucose molecules would make a complex carbohydrate which technically is starch. Starch is actually made up of two-six thousand gluocse molecules but for the purpose of your answer, three glucose molecules would produce starch. -hope that helps =) tino

What are the similarities in glycogen starch and cellulose?

The similarities are fairly easy - all three of these molecules are carbohydrates, that means that it is made up of carbons, hydrogens and oxygens. A more familiar description is that carbohydrates are long chains made up of sugar molecules. Another name for carbohydrate is polysaccharide (poly = many, saccharide = sugar). So, you might ask, why aren't starches sweet? Well, the chains are so long that the taste receptors on your tongue can not register them.

How does glucose enters the body?

Glycolysis splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules, and makes two molecules of ATP.

In anaerobic respiration what happens to most of the energy stored in the glucose?

The glucose is split into 2 molecules of a three carbon compound

After one glucose molecule goes through glycolysis how many net ATP are produced?

Two, net.

Starch is made up of what?

Starch is a polysaccharide: it is made up of many, many units of glucose molecules joined together with glycosidic linkages between them. Glucose units are joined through condensation (dehydration synthesis) reactions, where 2 H and one oxygen is removed between 2 glucose molecules to join them together. In photosynthesis, plants use light energy to produce chemical energy in the form of glucose from CO2 and water. The glucose produced is usually converted into starch by the plant for energy storage. Starch is stored mostly in the amyloplasts of a plant. Starch, unlike glucose, is not soluble in room temperature water, so it is more compact and easily stored.

How many carbons does PGAL have?

PGAL - Phosphoglyceraldehyde is the breakdown of one molecules of glucose and became two PGAL with 3 carbon atoms and 1 phosphate each pgal has. Added By John Estapon

What are examples of polysaccharides?

A polysaccharide is a complex carbohydrate, which is a carbohydrate that is made up of three or more sugars. Examples of these include pectic acid, arabinoxylan, glucan, hemicellulose, cellulin, beta-glucan, and incodextrin.

What are three main fates of glucose?

Immediate use to produce ATP molecules,storage for later ATP production,or for use in building other molecules.