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first the pupil must expand to let the light in and the image falls on the retina. comes and rod cells absorb the light and transmit a signal to the brain and the brain flips the image right side up again that's what must happen for the eye to see.

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Q: What must happen in order for us to see light?
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What 3 things must happen to be able to see something?

1. there mush be a source of light 2.the light must strike an object 3.the light must be reflected from the object to your eye

Is a rainbow a source of light?

No. In order to see a rainbow in front of you, there must be a source of light behind you, and the rainbow you see will only have the colors of the source in it.

Why cant you use visible light to see molecules?

because light used to see an object must have a wavelength

Why cant you see visible light to see molecules?

In order to "see" something with eyes, the object must be longer than the light wave refracted from it. Molecules are too small to be refracted.

What must happen to cause a rainbow?

In order for a rainbow to happen it needs to rain. Just after you see the rain is gone a rainbow appears for a short moment. A mixture of rain and light creates a rainbow. You could even use a glass with water and sunlight for a rainbow to appear.

What three things have to happen in order for you to see a rainbow?

First, the sun must be shining. Second, the sun must be behind you, and third, there must be water drops in the air in front of you.

Why can't we see objects in a darkened room?

In order to see, the eye must receive light; and darkness is the absence of light. Most of the objects we see around us are visible by reflected light -- reflected sunlight or reflected artificial light. Since darkness is the absence of light, there is no light in the darkness to be reflected from chairs, tables, or people to our eyes, and therefore we can not see these objects.

Why can't you see through opaque material?

In order for a material to be transparent (see-through), the light energy that impacts the material must be transmitted through the material and "released" on the other side unchanged. In order for this to happen, the molecules of the material must vibrate at the frequency of the light energy in such a way that the energy is not changed into another form - ie. the energy is not absorbed and used to heat the material, nor is the energy reflected off the surface. Opaque materials' molecules keep the energy or reflect it back, but don't pass it through.

What happen when light strick with atom means how your eye see or work in light why your eyes never see in dark?


Why cant you use visible to see molecules?

In order to "see" something with eyes, the object must be longer than the light wave refracted from it. Molecules are too small to be refracted.