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From my knowledge, the correct way to show tauba is performing Salat al Tauba, which is a 2 rakat prayer. It is performed just like any other nafl prayer but has a different niyat: "Nawayatu Aan Ussalia Lillaahi Ta'ala Rakatai Salateet Tauba'aee Sunnatu Rasullahi Taala Mutaoouazihan Ila Zihatil Ka'batish Sahraifati, Allahu Akbar"

As for the Magrib nafl prayers, I've been taught that these are prayed after the maghrib sunnah prayers and that they're called Salat al Awabeen, and the rakats are 6 minimum.

Hope that I helped :)

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Q: What namaz do you do tauba with for instance Mahgrib namaz has two nafl rakats is that the two rakats that you can perform tauba with or do you add another 2 nafl rakats to do tauba with?
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A rakat can be said to be a" round" of prayer. The word denotes " bowing". The bowed down position in prayer is called ruku. You are said to have offered 2 RAKATS of prayer when your prayers have two rukus or bowing down in them. The dawn prayer is of two rakats or rounds . the night prayer consists of four. Hope you are satisfied

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