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Q: What name describes the air war that led to bombing of English cities?
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Name for german bombing raids on british cities?

The Blitz - short for blitzkrieg - German for lightning strike.

Name Previous English capital cities?

Winchester Chester

Name given by the british to the German bombing of towns and cities during the winter of 1939-1940 when there was no fighting between France and Germany?

The Blitz

What US city is named after a city in England?

There are many cities in the US that share their names with English cities. Here are just 5 English cities that have cities with the same name in the USA: Newcastle, Leeds, Birmingham, London and Manchester.

Name 3 English cities beginning with L?

London, Leeds, and Liverpool.

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The greek word that precisely describes the English word of "quality" is "ποιότητα - poeoteta".

What does Omaha mean in polish?

Not every name can be translated, especially the ones that describes cities whch is why 'Omaha' still means 'Omaha' in Polish.

Why was fire bomb frits given this name?

The ORIGINAL Firebomb Fritz was the name given to a cartoon figure of a German bomb in 1942. The Germans were bombing English cities with incenediary (fire) bombs. The cartoon was developed for use in a program to train citizens in immediate actions that could stop damage from incendiary bombs. The name was taken up in a later time by a rock band. Rock bands may have no reason for a name that anyone can figure.

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translated it means Grail, and often describes the holygrail -Heiliger Gral

How many incendiary bombs were dropped on the first bombing raid on Plymouth?

The Blitz was the nazi name for that operation. 1,172 civilians were killed and 4,448 injured on Plymouth alone but there were other cities bombed in the Blitz.

What name of journal US Army who order bombing Heroshima and Nagasaki?

The bombing was not ordered by a General, but by the US President, Harry Truman.

Code name for the bombing of the North in 1965?

rolling thunder