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Q: What name did Pocahontas take after coverting to Christianity?
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What name did Pocahontas take after converting over to christainy?

Rebecca Rolfe.

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Pocahontas did not really have a first job. She just had to do what Powhatan women do. Which was cook, clean, take care of children, take care of their home, husband, etc.

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What did people in England think of Pocahontas?

I think the people in England thought Pocahontas was bad because they didn't like her father and her father didn't want the British to take their land.

Where did the movie Pocahontas take place?

"Pocahontas" is set in 1607, just as a new age of exploration has begun.

Who is the creature of the Christianity?

There is not really a creature for Christianity, unless you take in the fact of the Lamb of God.

Why is it then when someone does something bad in the name of Christianity the whole religion does not take the blame like other religions?

No religion takes the blame for some minor idiotic sect being stupid in its name. Australian Jews do not take the blame for Israeli Jew cruelty; Indonesian Muslims do not take the blame for international jihadists; the Pope does not take the blame for American Christian terrorism. Christianity is not a single religion either; it is a collection of sects with some common tenets. Protestants would not take blame for what Catholics do,

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by doing the bounty hunter quests and defeating all the bandits. may take a few tries

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A:No, Christianity is not just a diversion. Even if there is no God, Christianity's leaders honestly and sincerely believe in what they are doing.

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Patrick took Christianity to Ireland.

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