

What name did President Obama use when in college?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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To his friends, he was Barry Obama.

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Q: What name did President Obama use when in college?
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What is US President Obama's first name?

His full name is Barack Hussein Obama II. He went by "Barry" early on, but decided to use his formal name Barack later.

Why does President Barack Obama have the name Obama?

Obama is his last name, which he inherited from his biological father. He has used it all his life and has never tried to change it. (Contrary to internet myth, he was never adopted by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro.) Sometimes, when he is jokingly referring to himself, he will just use his last name: "You guys are probably wondering, why did Obama do this?" When reporters talk to the president, they call him Mr. President or President Obama. When they write about him, they generally use his title the first time, and then they may just use his last name in the rest of the article (the New York Times, however, has a different custom for presidents-- they refer to him as Mr. Obama, which they believe is more polite). Some talk shows that are opposed to the president will never use his title-- they will just refer to him as "Obama" to show they don't think he should be president; the same thing was done by talk shows that did not like President Bush.

When did President Obama legally change his first name from barry to Barack?

He never has legally changed his first name, nor did he need to do so. Many people use a nickname-- Joseph becomes Joe, Lawrence becomes Larry, Barack becomes Barry. But at some point in college, President Obama decided to embrace his birth name and returned to using "Barack" rather than Barry.

Did President Obama travel as Barry Sotoro?

First, I think you mean "Soetoro," his step-father's last name, which the president has never used. While many "Birther" websites make this claim, there is no evidence the president ever traveled under any name other than his own legal name, Barack Obama. That said, it is true he did use the nick-name "Barry" for a while in high school and college. But the name "Barry Soetoro" is not a legal name-- his stepfather never adopted him, nor did he require his stepson to take his name officially. And there is no evidence Mr. Obama was ever known to his family, friends, or classmates as "Barry Soetoro."

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first of use right grammar its"what made Obama wanna become president.

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When he was young, he liked to be called Barry; but he gradually began to use his real name (Barack) in college and no longer uses his nickname as far as we can tell.

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Is president captitalized?

president is only capitalized if you use it whilst addressing someone, such as President Obama, or Mr. President. If you use it in reference however, it is not, such as the president, our president, etc.

Is the president allowed to use a cellphone?

Presidents were not allowed to use a cellphone until President Obama took office. He is the first President to keep and use his smartphone.

How can Obama be on the Florida ballot if he doesn't use his adopted name?

Barack Obama is the actual name of President Obama. It is not an adopted name, it is the name that was bestowed upon him by his mother, in Hawaii. It should be noted that there are various internet myths which claim his name is actually Barry Soetoro, but this is not accurate. Mr. Obama never changed his name, nor did Lolo Soetoro, his step-dad, ever legally adopt him. Mr. Obama's name is the same now as when he was born-- and he has never changed it.