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n.A litter of pigs.

v. far·rowed, far·row·ing, far·rows give birth to (a litter of pigs).

v.intr.To produce a litter of pigs.

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Q: What name is given to 'litters of pigs'?
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Also how many litters per year do potbellied pigs have?

how many litters per year does a potbelly pig have

What is the Average size of a litter of pigs?

Pig LittersAverage litter of a pig can vary, but between 8-14 seems to be the it's 16runescape is cool

Name given to a type of meat from pigs?

Meat from pigs is called pork.

How many guinea pigs will your guinea pig have second time?

usually guinea pigs have litters of 1-4 babies

Do guinea pigs give birth to 12?

Yes,some Guinea Pigs had babies upto 12.But their average litters are about 4 to 8.

Which mammal has most babies?

I believe pigs have the largest litters. It is not uncommon for them to have more than 12 in a litter

How are pigs produced?

pigs are produced when their mothers are pregnant and then they are given birth to.

Why do female guinea pigs die a few days later after giving birth?

They don't. Usually. The only reason I can think of is if they get sick with the flu. I have a friend and all of her guinea pigs have had 2 healthy litters.

How did pigs get their name?

pigs got their name by their fatness!!

What is the average number of guinea pigs that can be born to one adult female?

Guinea pig, common name for certain small rodents (with a pair of sharp-edge, chisel-like incisor teeth), with short rounded ears and no tails. Adult female usually produce litters of two to four young guinea pigs.

What are the Chacteristics of a York Shire pigs head and body?

Yorkshire pigs are a maternal pig breed. They are a white pig with erect ears and a long/lean body. They are most known for their prolificness (ability to produce and care for large litters).

How much do piglets weigh when they are born?

pigs are pretty small when they are born, because they are born in litters. litters average in number anywhere from 6 to 16 piglets. my guess is that piglets weigh around a pound each at birth. what i do know from raising pigs for 4-H and fair is that when we take pigs to fair, they are usually in the neighborhood of 150-160 days old and can be expected to weigh in around 220-275 pounds. at 150 days they are not even 6 months old. at this stage, pigs can be expected to gain around 2 pound of weight per day.