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Q: What name is given to Land not fit for farming or cultivation?
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What is the name of the land suitable for cultivation?

Agricultural Land.

Another name for slash and burn farming is?

Swidden agriculture.

Another name for agriculture is?

Farming. Agricuture is to do with land and farming (animals). ((HORTIULTURE is to do with plants.))

Who did the farming in the medieval ages?

The peasant's or The serf serf is just a other name for peasant. The 'Serfs' did the farming on the lords land. the land the serfs farmed was a small bit of land that was giving to the people from the Lord.

The unfenced grazing land of the west was given this name?

the unfenced grazing land of the west was given the name called the open range.

What is a name given to name of land surrounded with water?

a island

What is the name given to the world when all the continents were joined as one land mass?

The name given was Pangaea!

What name was given to the Jewish promise land'?

Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel).

What is the name given to a body of land with water surrrounding it?

The name is an island.

Slash and Burn agriculture is the name given to?

Slash and Burn agriculture is the name given to a farming method where vegetation is cut down and burned before crops are planted. This practice is often used in tropical regions to clear land for agriculture, but it can lead to deforestation and soil degradation over time.

What is the name given to a body of land of with surrounding it?

There appears to be a word left out of the question. Assuming this word is "water" ("What is the name given to a body of land with water surrounding it?"), the answer is "island".

What name is given to the area of the earth that forms the land?

Terra firma is the name given to the Earth's dry surface.