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Q: What name is given to lines on maps which show places of equal precipitation?
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What is the name of the line on a map that joins places of equal height?

The name of the line on a map that joins places of equals height is "the contour." Contour lines are lines of equal elevation, whereas isohypse are lines of equal geopotential height.

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Lines of Barometric pressure

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Seimsic Lines

Why is is unlikely that two contour lines will cross?

Because contour lines make places of equal height.

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What word beginning with b refers to lines on a map running through places experiencing equal pressure?

There is no word beginning with b that refers to lines on a map running through places experiencing equal pressure. Those lines are called isobars, meaning lines of equal pressure. (iso means the same and bar is a unit of measure of pressure.)

What are the lines joining places of same elevation called?

a contour line joins places of equal elevation

The imaginary lines joining places of same height at equal intervals are called?


Lines drawn on a map showing places of the same temperature are called what?

Lines of equal summer temperature are Isothere. Lines of equal general temperature are Isotherm