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Q: What name is given to the process by which plants absorb the mineral salts from the soil?
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Oxygen is given off by plants as they absorb carbon dioxide. It's like how animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, except plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

How plant makes their food?

Plants create their food through the process known as Photosynthesis. It's when the plants absorb light energy given off from the Sun and convert it into chemical energy through a natural process and store it as sugar (food energy) for later use. Keep in mind that this happens in the Chloroplasts of the plant which specifically uses chlorophyll.

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How do plants absorb water?

Plants absorb water from their root hairs on the root via osmosis, it is then transported to other parts of the plant (through the nextwork of xylem vessels) through a combination of capiliary action and "transiprational pull"

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Plants grow and develop when given enough sunlight and water. Plants absorb light energy, drink water, undergo photosynthesis, and grow with the food that they have created for themselves.

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The gas given out by plants during their food making process?


What gas do plants give off in the process of photosyntheseis?

Oxygen is given off as a waste product.

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Leaves in a plant have light photons whicch absorb the sunlight energy given from the sun . The solar cells are like the light photons and they too absorb sunlight energy

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