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New Madrid Fault line

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Q: What name is the fault line that runs through southern Indiana?
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What is the name of the fault line found in Indiana?

The Wabash Valley Fault System is the main fault line found in Indiana, stretching for over 100 miles through the southwestern part of the state. It is responsible for occasional minor earthquakes in the area.

What is the name of the fault line in southern Illinois?

The New Madrid system.

What is the fault of Haiti?

The San Andreas Fault is the fault line that runs through Haiti.

What is the name of the fault line through Georgia?

Belair fault

What was the name of the fault line on the haiti earthquake?

The earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010 occurred along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone. This fault system runs through the southern part of the country and was responsible for the devastating earthquake.

What is the name of the Mississippi fault line?

The New Madrid Fault Line is a seismic zone that extends through several states, including Mississippi.

What Fault lines are on the east coast?

The Brevard Fault Line runs through Georgia.

Is Indiana a southern state?

Although it is above the Mason Dixon line, many people who live there have a very distinct southern draw. Many men from southern Indiana even fought for the confederates and you can still confederate flags on houses there today.

Where is the fault line in Pakistan?

The Chaman Fault is the major fault line in Pakistan. It starts just off the coast of Pakistan and travels northeast through Pakistan in into Afghanistan.

What is a sentence for fault line?

The fault line in California is being closely monitored for any signs of seismic activity.

Which fault line is located in Jamaica?

The major fault line that runs through Jamaica is the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone. This fault is responsible for seismic activity in the region, including earthquakes.