

Best Answer

Seville, Spain

The mouth of the Amazon river, South America

Asia, somewhere at the right bottom corner of China.

Hopes this helps!

Amerigho aka Amerigo Vespucci, came from the City State of Florence, which became part of the United Kingdom of Italy between 1861 to 1870.

He offered his services to Spain and became Spain's "Chief Pilot".

His claim to fame was a voyage in which he explored the East Coast of South America as far south, but not rounding what later became "Dutch" Cape Hoorn, later renamed Cape Horn. On his way back north he discovered the Amazon River then what was to become Trinidad.

It is thought that North, South, and Central America are are named after him. name. Others, as far back as the 17th century, believed that he met up with a South American peoples called Amrik or Americ (Spelling as per whoever interpreted it), and he changed his name to Amerigho so he would receive greater honours and recognition. There is no sound proof of this.

Christoffa Corombo, from Genoa, another city state that became part of Italy, was a far greater explorer and man of vision. When he gained recognition thoughout the Europe, he became know by his Latinized name of Christorus Columbus, which was common practice, as the Church held power over all of Europe. The

Spanish/Castillian who hired him, and from whom he got his recognition called him Cristobal Colon. The world his full of his namesakes. For the first hundred or so years after his 1492 voyage, the new world was not called America, but Columbia, after Chritoffa. Hundreds of towns, cities, counties, and also a country are either called Columbia, The province of British Columbia in Canada, District of Columbia, Columbia River, along with numberous Cristobal(s), and Colon(s) etc.

Vespucci, unlike poor Christoffa, who was eventually rewarded with his governorship of Hispaniolla by being placed in chains, did correctly surmise that Columbia was not "Cathay" as the Spanish Crown and Christoffa had assumed, but a whole new continent.

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What country founded Amerigo Vespucci exploration?

Amerigo Vespucci explored for Spain

What and where did Amerigo Vespucci Explore?

Amerigo Vespucci explored a trade route to Spain.

Which two countries named after Amerigo Vespucci?

Amerigo Vespucci explored for Spain and Portugal.

Did Amerigo Vespucci spread disease to the New World?

Yes Amerigo Vespucci died of malaria in 1512. Amerigo Vespucci was a famous Italian explorer who explored South America.

What was Amerigo Vespucci looking for during he explored?

Amerigo Vespucci demonstrated that South America was a bigger continent that previously thought, and it wasnt part of , or India itself, but a different continent altogether. The Americas were named after his name: Amerigo.

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What country founded Amerigo Vespucci exploration?

Amerigo Vespucci explored for Spain

What and where did Amerigo Vespucci Explore?

Amerigo Vespucci explored a trade route to Spain.

Who explored for Spain and Portugal?

Amerigo Vespucci

What did Amerigo Vespucci name the US?

Amerigo Vespucci, did not explore the U.S., he explored and conquered the Inca Tribes in South America.

Which two countries named after Amerigo Vespucci?

Amerigo Vespucci explored for Spain and Portugal.

What are Amerigo Vespucci accoplishments?

he explored the coast of south America

What years Amerigo Vespucci explored?

He was born on March 9,1454.

What were the places and years Amerigo Vespucci explored?


What is the best English definition of the words Amerigo Vespucci?

Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer after whom America was named. Amerigo explored the south cost of America and named the continent in his honor.

What is the area Amerigo vespucci explored?

He explored Portugal, a country of southwest Europe on the western Iberian Peninsula

Who explored enough of South America to deem it a new continent?

Amerigo Vespucci

Did Amerigo Vespucci spread disease to the New World?

Yes Amerigo Vespucci died of malaria in 1512. Amerigo Vespucci was a famous Italian explorer who explored South America.