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Q: What nation do the largest group of immigrants come from today?
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Who is the largest group of immigrants coming to the United States today?

Mexicans -APEX :)

What is the largest category of illegal immigrants today?

Illegals from Mexico

Which is the largest minority group in the country today?

The largest minority group in the country today is Hispanics or Latinos, accounting for about 18% of the U.S. population.

What is the largest ethnic group on China today?

The Han.

Today what group of immigrants is given special preferences?

Families and highly skilled workers.

What groups provide most of the immigration today?

Mexicans are the largest group of immigrants coming to the US in present day.

Immigrants are good for the US because?

LEGAL immigrants are good for the US because our nation was founded by immigrants, settled by immigrants, and is what it is today because of the hard work of (mostly) law-abidingimmigrants. Young immigrants work and pay into the social security system, thereby funding the dwindling accounts of the aging population.

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If the Cretaceous mass extinction had not occurred which group of animals would today probably include the largest land animals?

If the Cretaceous mass extinction had not occurred, reptiles would today be the largest land animal in the world. At the time, reptiles were the largest animal group on Earth.