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I think he is Irish.Definitely because I looked at a video of him speaking and he has an Irish accent and his books are set in Ireland.

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Q: What nationality is skulduggery pleasant author derek landy?
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Who wrote the Skulduggery Pleasant books?

Derek Landy is the author of the Skulduggery Pleasant series.

Did Skulduggery pleasant have a son or daughter?

No, Skulduggery Pleasant does not have a son or daughter. In the "Skulduggery Pleasant" book series by Derek Landy, he is a wise-cracking skeleton detective who does not have any children.

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There are going to be 9 books 3 of them have been released these are Skulduggery Pleasant Skulduggery Pleasant playing with fire Skulduggery Pleasant the facless ones The next one is coming out on the 4th of April (in the UK) It's going to be called Skulduggery Pleasant dark days ROCK ON SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT

Who wrote the Skulduggery Pleasant novels?

Derek Landy

What is the name of derek landy's skeleton detective?

skulduggery pleasant

What is Derek landy's first book?

derek landys first book is called Skulduggery Pleasant

What books did derek landy write?

he wrote skulduggery pleasant series

When and where are the Skulduggery Pleasant movie auditions?

Derek hasn't yet annonced them )-;

Is Skulduggery Pleasant a vampire a werewolf or a skeleton?

Skulduggery Pleasant is a living skeleton who was once a powerful sorcerer. He is not a vampire or a werewolf in the series created by Derek Landy.

Who is Derek Landy?

Derek Landy is an Irish author who writes the Skulduggery Pleasant series. He was born on 23rd of of October 1973. He has won many awards and is a very good author when it comes to fantasy!!

Why did Derek landy write skulduggery pleasant?

Derek Landy wrote the Skulduggery Pleasant series as a way to explore the fantasy genre and create a unique world filled with magic, mystery, and humor. He wanted to create a memorable and captivating character in Skulduggery Pleasant that readers could follow through a series of adventures.

Who kills skulduggery?

In the "Skulduggery Pleasant" series by Derek Landy, Skulduggery Pleasant is never killed. He is a powerful sorcerer and detective who faces many threats, but he manages to survive all the dangers he encounters in the series.