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Q: What nations laid claim to parts of the western hemisphere during the 15th centuries?
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What empire was expanded in the Western Hemisphere during the 15th and 16th centuries by Charles V?

The Spanish empire had been expaned in the Western Hemisphere during the 15th and 16 century by Charles V.

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United Nations.

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Sometime during the night.

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Panamal Canal :))

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The term for the newly discovered lands in the Western Hemisphere was the "New World."

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As a communist nation, China became part of the global communist alliance lead by the USSR. Western nations were in conflict with the communist bloc during the Cold War.

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The Trans Atlantic slave trade went on between the 16th and 19th centuries. An estimated 12-15 million people were forced to migrate from Africa to the Western hemisphere during this time. The slaves were sold as laborers on plantations as well as domestic servants.

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Expansionism. New sources of raw materials. Land, Not vastly different from the expansion from the East Coast States into the Indian territories of the Western Plains after the American Civil War.

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Over the course of 24 hours during most of the year, Gemini can be seen in all four hemispheres.