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He Got Shot With A Blade And Died Of A Heartattack And Got Revived AndThe Died then got revived and then got shot AGAIN

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Q: What natural phenomenon does Apollo explain?
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Why did people believe in greek god Apollo?

Back in the day, people created gods and goddesses to explain the natural phenomenon that occurred in everyday life.

Which natural phenomenon does Typhon explain?

Typhon explains the natural phenomenon of hurricanes or tropical cyclones, which are characterized by strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges. Typhon is a monster in Greek mythology known for his destructive power, which is analogous to the destructive force of hurricanes.

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The appearance of the Big Dipper

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These scientists were called "Naturalists"

Can you explain a strange bodily phenomenon?

Perhaps if I knew what the phenomenon is, I might try to explain it.

How physics explain natural phenomenon with the help of fundamental law and principles?

You answered your own question! Physics explains natural phenomena with fundamental laws and principles.

How does any cancer relate to science?

Cancer is the result of natural phenomenon. The purpose of science is to explain natural phenomenon. Therefore, science is used to explain cancer. Medical care is considered a scientific field. Every doctor you have ever known has undergone extensive training in scientific knowledge and methods. Doctors who treat cancer, oncologists, are scientists too.

Is cloud seeding rain theft?

No, rain is a natural phenomenon, and natural phenomenon cannot be stolen.

How did greek mythology orignate?

The people invented stories to explain natural events. For example, the story of Apollo's chariot. Apollo is said to be the god of light- Apollo's chariot flies across the sky all through the day- This explains the sun's movement.

Time-tested explanation of a phenomenon that occurs in the natural world?

A scientific is an explanation as to why a natural phenomenon occured

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What is the fastest known natural phenomenon?

Light, which travels at ~186,000 miles/second is the fastest known natural phenomenon.