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You can clean your ring with steam, or warm, soapy water.

NB: Close the sink drain, and cover it with a cloth, so that if you drop the ring, you won't lose it to the drain.

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Q: What natural substance can clean diamond and gold wedding ring?
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Is a genuine clean diamond worth as much as a genuine diamond?

I think you are asking if a natural clean diamond is worth as much as a natural diamond that is Not considered clean? The answer is no. A clean diamond means that it is clear from imperfections. Now this can mean clear to the naked eye, or clear under a microscope. Of course the diamond that is clear under the microscope is much worth more than a diamond that is only clear to the naked eye.

Are genuine clean diamonds real and are they worth more than regular diamonds?

The term 'genuine, clean diamond' implies a generalist's description of what a gemologist would term 'natural, acceptably flawed diamond'. The term 'regular diamond' is as descriptive as 'regular human'. Any diamond is worth what someone will pay you for it.

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A clean diamond is a diamond that has not come from countries that fund violent civil conflicts in many African countries. You may have heard of a "blood diamond"

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'Clean diamond' is a term used by a non-gemologist to express an opinion about the lack of visible flaws in a diamond.

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Send them to clean stores ,it is hard to clean it myself!

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You clean a man made diamond the same way that you would clean any other diamond. Chemically speaking there is absolutely no difference between a diamond that is made by a man made process and a diamond that was made by a geologic process.

Is a clean diamond a real diamond a?

Sorry but we do not understand your question???

What is the best way to clean your Diamond wedding ring?

The best way to clean your Diamond wedding ring. Just take a small bowl, fill it with hot water, mix in 1-2 drops of dish washing soap, and place the ring in the bowl for 5 minutes. When done, switch the soapy water with a bowl of plain hot water and rinse the ring in the bowl for 10-15 seconds To avoid water spots, dry the ring off with 2-3 spurts of compressed air, or a soft towel. For Looking various designs of Diamond wedding ring visit now our website

How do you clean a diamond?

You can clean a diamond with soap and water, or a steam jet. Cleaning the diamond is the easy part: protecting the metal in which it is set may be the challenge. Your local jeweler can most safely clean your jewelery set with diamonds.

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What is the difference between not clean substance and not pure substance?

Chemists prefer the expression pure substance.

What does it cost to clean a wedding gown?

approx. 400