

What naturally cleans water?

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Q: What naturally cleans water?
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What cleans water?

water? NO! Filters do.

What cleans your system of drugs quickly and naturally?

vitamin B3, also known as niacin

How do saunas work?

You throw water on hot rocks on the sauna stove, that increases the humidity of the already hot room, and that forces your body to sweat naturally, which cleans your skin pores.

What machine cleans water?

Brita water flters

How does water clean a rock?

Seriosly, the rock cleans the water

What cleans and purifies water?

Extreme heat...boil the water.

What is added to the drinking water and why is it added?

it is cloren and it cleans the water

What Cleans a white gold and diamond ring?

You can clean a white gold and diamond ring by soaking it in a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap, then gently scrubbing it with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can also bring it to a jeweler for professional cleaning. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the metal or stones.

What does water effects on the body?

it cleans the cells

How does the city cleans the waste?

by putting them in the water

What is discharge from?

Discharge comes from the vagina. The vagina naturally cleans its self by discharging anything that doesn't belong up there.

Does water have the acid that cleans pennies in it?

No, water is neutral. It has no acid in it whatsoever.