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Visceral efferent

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Q: What nerve carries autonomic signals away from the cns is classified as?
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What is a spinal nerve?

A spinal nerve which carries motor, sensory, and autonomic signals between the spinal cord and the body.

Which autonomic motor fibers are carried by the vagus nerve?

Vagus nerve carries parasynpathetic nerve fibers .

Cranial nerves is classified as mixed nerve?

Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because they all carry motor, sensory, and autonomic signals between the spinal cord and the body.

What does the optic nerve for the human eye do?

The optic nerve carries signals (images) from the retina to the brain.

What part of the nerve cell carries signals toward the part of the cell that houses the nucleus?

The dendrites of the nerve cell carry signals toward the cell body where the nucleus is located. Dendrites receive signals from other nerve cells or sensory receptors and transmit these signals to the cell body for processing.

What messages the eye to the brain?

The optic nerve carries signals from the eyes to the brain.

What is the function of sacral nerve?

Autonomic nerve function in body

What primarily controls the digestion system?

Digestion is controlled by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

What is the basis for the functional classifications of the neurons?

Functionally, neurons or nerve cells are classified into three types,1. Sensory or afferent neuron- a neuron that carries signals towards brain.2. Motor or efferent neuron- a neuron that carries signals away from brain.3. Inter-neuron which is present in gray matter of spinal cord and convert sensory signals into appropriate motor signals during spinal reflex.

What nerve carries signals from the from the retina to the brain?

Occipital nerve. It is the second cranial nerve.

Which of the cranial nerves transmit from the cochlea and semicircular canals to the brain?

The nerve that carries the signals to the brain is the ossicles

What carries electrical signals that affect muscle tissue?

motor nueronsNerve tissue carries electrical signals that affect muscle tissue. Nerve tissue's function is to move and coordinate the way the body functions.