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Trigeminal nerve is the nerve that does not use the jugular foramen as a route of exit from the skull

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Q: What nerve does not use the jugular foramen to exit the skull?
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What nerves exit from skull through jugular foramen?

The glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and Vagus (X) exit the skull through the jugular foramen.

Through what structure does the internal jugular vein exit the skull?

The internal jugular vein is formed from the sigmoid sinus (after receiving the lesser petrosal sinus) just after passing through the jugular foramen to become the internal jugular vein.

Where does the spinal cord exit the skull?

The spinal cord exits the skull via the foramen magnum.

Where does the sciatic nerve exit?

The sciatic nerves exit the pelvic bone through an opening (greater sciatic foramen) to emerge in the buttock.

What is encroachment upon the neural foramen?

You have to look at the definition of the words to understand this statement. Neural refers to nerves. Foramen is an opening through which the nerves exit. Stenosis means that this opening is narrowed. The result is something we call a pinched nerve.

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What does bilateral neural exit foraminal stenosis of moderate severity at the L5 S1 mean?

A disc is a cartilage component that separates 2 vertabrae. By separating these two structures, it allows a space for 2 spinal nerves to exit, one on each side. A spinal nerve is a nerve that comes directly from the spinal cord. Spinal nerves are always in pairs. They extend from the cord and exit bilaterally through the neural foramen, or "spinal nerve holes." When a disc bulges, it decreases in height. By doing this, the size of the foramen are decreased. The foramen are determined by the disc height. As a disc degenerates, the foramen becomes more and more narrowed. The spinal nerves can be put in great danger if the disc continues to degenerate. A chiropractor is the answer to this problem. Surgery should be a last resort. It's like a hard boiled egg. It can't be unboiled. Thomas A. Bea

Hole at base of skull at spinal cord?

The spinal cord, proper, does not begin until past the foramen magnum, which is the exit hole in the occipital bone. The brain stem actually extends down to the level of cervical vertebrae numbers one and two. That is not only why people with a neck fracture die, but also they can live if the break is below the brain stem.

What are the openings providing for exit of spinal nerves?

Vertebral foramen are the spaces between adjacent vertebrae where the spinal nerves exit the spinal canal.

Where is the nerve in your back or spine that controls the bladder?

The bladder receives information through the lumbar nerve plexus that is formed from spinal nerves that extend from the spinal cord and exit through the vertebral foramen (holes in between spinal bones )of the lower lumbar spine. Because the information comes from a nerve group, or plexus, it receives nerve impulse from more than one level of spinal cord. Thomas A. Bea

Neurons in the retina exit the eye forming the?

A+ students: the answer is optic nerve.

What Neurons in the retina exit the eye forming the?

optic nerve