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sciatic nerve

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Q: What nerve splits into the common fibular and tibial nerves?
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The sciatic nerve is composed of what two nerves?

the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve:Common Peroneal Nerve, comprised of nerve fibers from L5, S1, S2, and S3.Tibial Nerve comprised of nerve fibers from L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3)

Which neuron sends message from the spinal cord to your foot?

There is no one 'neuron' - different aspects of your foot are supplied by different nerves, each of which contains many neurons. Mainly the innervation of the foot comes from the tibial and the common peroneal (fibular) nerves, both of which branch from the sciatic nerve.

What major nerves arise from the sacral?

The nerves that arise from the lumbar plexus are femoral, obturator, lateral femoral cutaneous, genitofemoral, illoinguinal and illohypogastric nerve. As part of lumbosacral plexus, it is the nervous plexus that is found in the lumbar region.

Which nerve roots make up the sciatic nerve?

The sciatic nerve is a combination of the common fibular (peroneal) nerve and the tibial nerve.

What does the term tibial-fibular fracture mean?

it means that you fractured part of your tibia and fibula

What does Tibial nerve do?

Tibial nerves main function is to plantar flex and invert the foot

What contributes to the formation of the popliteal vein?

The popliteal vein carries blood from the knee to the thigh and calf muscles and ultimately to the heart. The vein is formed from the merging of the two posterior tibial veins and ends as it merges in to the femoral vein.

What nerves innervate the muscles of the calf?

Mainly tibial nerve, and superficial peroneal

What is the common name for tibial crest?


What is the name of the artery that supplies blood to your leg?

The posterior tibial artery carries blood to the posterior of the leg. This artery also branches off into the fibular artery, which supplies blood to the lateral compartment of the leg.

Where does blood flow after the popliteal vein?

to tibioperoneal truck vein where it splits to anterior and posterior tibial veins and other branches.femoral veinFemoral veini dont know man !

What makes up the sciatic nerve?

the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerveRead more: What_what_are_the_two_nerves_that_make_up_the_sciatic_nerve