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Q: What nerves forms a cross pattern called a chiasma?
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What is the chiasma?

When non-sister chromatids from the homologous chromosome break and rejoin they do so at exactly corresponging sites, so that a cross-shaped structure called chiasma.

What is the point called at which the optic nerves cross?

The optic chiasm

Nerve fibers from the medial aspect of each eye?

Cross over to the opposite side at the chiasma.

Nerve fibers from the medial aspect of each eye do what?

cross over to the opposite side at the optic chiasma

What important structure is located in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone?

The sella turcica (which means "Turkish Saddle") is a part of the basis of the cranium. In this bony formation are two main structures, namele the chiasma opticum, which is where the nerves from the eyes containing visual information cross-over. The other structure located in sella turcica is the pituitary gland.

What is the function of the optic chiasm?

The optic chiasma is in front of the pituitary gland where optic nerve fibers pass to the brain. The function of the optic chiasma is to relay electric signals as they pass from the optic nerve to the brain.

What cranial nerve forms a cross pattern called a chaisam?

The optic nerve

What is a criss cross pattern called?

im pretty sure its a gratical Grid

What are lines that cross one another forming a pattern called a grid system called?

parallel lines

What are lines that cross one another forming a pattern called a grid system?

parallel lines

What is the optic intersection in the brain?

The optic chiasm is where the two optic nerves cross in the brain.

Where is the optic chiasm?

The optic Chiasm is located where the optic nerves partially cross on the brain