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Q: What neurotransmitter released in dark by photoreceptor?
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A device that monitors the activity of the photoreceptor cells of the eye indicates that there is a constant flow of neurotransmitter being released by the photoreceptor cells This information implie?

This implies that the subject is in a dark room.

How does a photocopier tell the difference between the light and dark areas of the original?

The original is lighted. The light reflects from the light areas and not from the dark areas. The reflected light shines on parts of a charged photoreceptor and removes the charge from those areas, but does not remove the charge from areas represented by the dark areas of the original. The charged parts of the photoreceptor attract the toner (dry ink), and the uncharged areas do not. Toner is then transferred from the photoreceptor to the paper and you get an image.

What is the substance released at axon terminals?

The substance that is released at an axonal ending to propagate the nerve impulse to the next nerve or muscle is called

What neurotransmitter is released when touched?


What do you call the chemical released by the axon that travels across a synapse and binds on the dendrites of the other neurons or body cells?

neurotransmitter neurotransmitter neurotransmitter

When neurotransmeter released from nerv terminal?

After the neurotransmitter is released from the nerve terminal, it moves across the synapse. At that point, the neurotransmitter may bind with receptors.

What neurotransmitter is released by the vagus nerve?


What kind of chemical is released at a synapses?

neurotransmitter (:

Which neurotransmitter is released at the neuromuscular junction?


A chemical found in the synaptic vesicles that when released has an effect on the next cell is called a?


What specific neurotransmitter is released from the axon terminus?

You do not have single neurotransmitter, which is released from axon terminals. There are many. Some facilitate the conduction of the impulse and others inhibit the same. You have acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine and many others acting as neurotransmitter.

A chemical released from one neuron to another is?

A neurotransmitter.