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Q: What new instrument has allowed scientists to observe tbe smaller components within a cell?
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What is the instrument scientists use to observe planet?


The intrument that scientists use observe planet?

The instrument scientists use to observe the planets is a high powered telescope.

What planet do scientists not observe as much as all the other planets?

Scientists do not observe Mercury as often because it is difficult to do so.

What do scientists use to observe small living organisms?

it depends on the size of the To_observe_a_small_living_organism_a_scientist_might_use_a. If it is microscopic, then scientists might have to observe it using it using a microscope. If it can actually be seen, then scientists mught actually take a sample of it back to the labratory to observe physically

Why do scientists use tools when they make observations?

Tools enable scientists to make more accurate observations, and to observe things that they otherwise could not observe. For example, microscopes allow scientists to observe bacteria, which otherwise are too small to see.

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Scientists observe pretty much everything. Clues can be anywhere.

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they use satellites.

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teleschope and a engredeance