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They made clothes for the men, and worked as nurses.

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Q: What new responsibilities did women take on during the war?
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What new responsibilities did women take on during the Civil War?

They joined their loved ones and helped fight with the men and helped by making weapons fixing clothes and caring for the men when they got wounded. Women facilitated the work of the soldiers by helping the various units to prepare and transport food or to carry out spy missions. A majority of the women were civilians and that is why it was difficult to tell if they were spies.In the Civil War, women in the south took care of farms when the men were away fighting. Overall, women had to contribute to society outside of their house much more during the Civil War.Generally, women contributed by:encouraging enlistmentraising fundsprovisioning soldierscaring for the woundedestablishing schools in liberated southassuming tasks of husbands and brothers back homesome women posed as male soldiers and saw combatworking in government jobs and retail trades.

What was the most important achievement for women during world war 1?

Gaining new opportunities and jobs

What jobs did women and blacks do during World War 2?

Women and black men did many jobs during the war that had previously been done only by white men. After the war, some were able to keep their new jobs, and many were not.

What new oppurtunites did the war offer to women?

Women were needed in the workplace during the war. They worked on farms, factories, hospitals, and offices. They volunteered to make bandages and sell war bonds. Those that were fighting for women's rights, postponed the issue till after the war. Women proved they could be more than wives and mothers.

What gains were made by American women during world war 1?

The roles they took during WW1 opened many new doors for women and they proved they could do anything men could. 2 years later they got the right to vote.

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Women had to plow the fields and run plantations. They also took over jobs in the offices and factories

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What new responsibilities did women take on during the Civil War?

They joined their loved ones and helped fight with the men and helped by making weapons fixing clothes and caring for the men when they got wounded. Women facilitated the work of the soldiers by helping the various units to prepare and transport food or to carry out spy missions. A majority of the women were civilians and that is why it was difficult to tell if they were spies.In the Civil War, women in the south took care of farms when the men were away fighting. Overall, women had to contribute to society outside of their house much more during the Civil War.Generally, women contributed by:encouraging enlistmentraising fundsprovisioning soldierscaring for the woundedestablishing schools in liberated southassuming tasks of husbands and brothers back homesome women posed as male soldiers and saw combatworking in government jobs and retail trades.

Do women create new ovum?

Yes..They produce many during a lifetime.

Who were the new workers in factories during World War 1?

Women AND Children

During the 1920s women expressed their new found freedom by wearing?

Shorter clothing

Where was the only true enfranchisement of women during the Reconstruction era occurred in?

New york

What steps did the French government take to protect interests in New France?

During the 1600's the King Louis XIV payed women money (part of their dowry) to go over to Canada and marry the settlers there. The women were called filles de roi or women of the king.

How did life for women elderly and children change during the war?

During the war, life for women, the elderly, and children was often marked by increased responsibilities, as well as disruptions in daily routines and access to goods and services. Women took on new roles in the workforce to support the war effort, the elderly faced challenges in accessing healthcare and support networks, and children may have experienced disruptions in their education and living conditions. Overall, the war brought about social and economic changes that impacted these vulnerable groups in various ways.

How do you use the word readiness in a sentence?

She showed great readiness to take on new responsibilities at work.

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basically he assume most responsibilities that the normal pastor would take. he fills in until a new pastor can be found.

What were the womens chores in new France?

The women had to clean, cook and take care of children