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The rifled musket and Minié ball.

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Q: What new technology new to the civil war made it possible for bullets to travel faster and further?
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The First Amendment made it possible for advances in technology. The freedoms given by the first amendment allow for the faster travel and communication.

Is warp drive possible?

No. Our species does not possess the technology for faster than light speed.

Which is faster a plane or bullet?

It strictly depends on which two specific items you are comparing. Bullets travel various speeds, as do airplanes. Some bullets are faster than some planes, and some planes are faster than some bullets.

How is technology useful?

The technology field is constantly growing and changing. The ways that it has changed lives in new ways. The ability to reach new frontiers and get there faster is what drives the technology further.

Can hypersonic aircraft fly faster than bullets?

Bullets flies at the top speed of Mach 3 but almost Mach 4. There are some planes that can fly much faster than bullets but bullets used to fly faster than most planes(aircraft). Hypersonic aircraft can fly up to Mach 9. So yes, hypersonic aircraft can fly much faster than bullets. If these hypersonic planes can fly faster than bullets, they can fly alot faster than missiles. Missiles also flies around Mach 3 but hypersonic planes don't fly at that kind of speed. The top speed that hypersonic planes is nearly Mach 10(almost 10 times faster than the speed of sound).

What are the effects of technology on manpower planning?

Technology makes it possible to plan in a much faster and simple way. It also makes planning much more effective as it takes into consideration a lot of aspects.

How did industrial technology disrupt germanys military strategy early in world war 1?

It allowed France and Russia to mobilize their militaries faster than Germany had thought possible.

How does the grain of the bullet affect the accuracy of the shot?

All else being equal, heavier bullets lose velocity and trajectory faster than lighter bullets.

Are machine guns fast?

Yes, machine guns are much faster than Gatling guns. Gatling guns must be hand cranked and fed bullets at the same but machine guns does not have to be hand cranked. All they needs are bullets. Machine guns also fire more bullets faster than Gatling guns.

What bullets travel faster than the speed of sound?

Almost all of them. The question is, what bullets travel SLOWER than the speed of sound? They're called "subsonic" bullets, and special operations units buy them for their silenced guns.

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Both are similar to one another technology wise and finding out which is faster is not possible. Ideally speaking a JSP once compiled and deployed in a web server behaves like a servlet.

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to be faster