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Balthazar tells him that Juliet is dead.

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Q: What news does romeo receive from Balthazar in act 5 scene 1?
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What did Balthazar bring romeo?

He brings Romeo the news of Juliet's death.

Who will keep romeo informed about what is happening in Verona?

If you will turn to the very beginning of Act V Scene I, the answer will be right there in the stage direction before the line "News from Verona."BALTHASAR

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Who tells Juliet about romeo?

Romeo's servant Balthazar tells him the news from Verona.

What news does Balthasar Romeo's servant bring Romeo?

In the play there aren't really any servants, there are servingman though. You may be talking about Balthasar, a relative of Romeo's who sees Juliet dead and does not know that it is a trick. He flees to Romeo's hiding place in Mantua, Italy and tells Romeo and Juliet is dead. Make your questions less vague!

What does Romeo ask Balthazar?

Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet had just died and that he saw the Capulets at her funeral. Even though this is misinformation, Romeo believes Balthasar because he had not got the message form Friar Laurence about the plan.

What news does Romeo's servant bring to romeo in mantua?

Romeo's servant brings him news of Juliet's death in Mantua. The servant is unaware that Juliet's death is a ruse to avoid marrying Paris, leading Romeo to return to Verona and ultimately take his own life.

What news does bathasar bring romeo?

In Act 5 scene 1, Romeo's servant Balthasar arrives in Mantua to bring Romeo news from Verona. He tells Romeo that Juliet was found dead that morning.

Who tells Romeo that Juliet has died?

Balthasar, Romeo's servant, brings the news of Juliet's death.

Who does Romeo learn of Juliet's death from?

Romeo learns of Juliet's death from Friar Laurence, who sends a message to Romeo informing him of the tragic news. This miscommunication leads to Romeo's decision to take his own life in despair.

Who was the quarantined messenger in romeo and Juliet?

Friar John got sent back to Verona because of the quarantine he encountered on the way to Mantua.

How was there miscommunication in romeo and Juliet?

There was miscommunication in "Romeo and Juliet" when Romeo didn't receive Friar Laurence's message explaining Juliet's plan to feign her death. This led to Romeo believing Juliet was truly dead and ultimately taking his own life. Juliet waking to find Romeo dead then led to her taking her own life as well, highlighting the tragic consequences of miscommunication.