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Q: What nitrogenous base does adenine pair with in an RNA strand?
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How does each nucleotide differ?

Nucleotides differ in their nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The sequence and pairing of these bases define the genetic information stored in DNA. Additionally, each nucleotide is composed of a deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.

What are their nitrogenous base of RNA and DNA?

nitrogenous base in DNA are ADENINE,GUANINE,CYTOSINE AND THYMINE WHEREAS IN RNA it is ADENINE, GUANINE, CYTOSINE AND URACIL. In rna thymine is replaced by uracil.

What RNA pairs with adenine?

The phosphate base that pairs with Adenine in RNA is Uracil. In a DNA strand Adenine would pair with Thymine.

What does the base in DNA molecule pair with?

The base adenine in DNA pairs with thymine, while guanine pairs with cytosine. This is known as complementary base pairing, a key feature in DNA structure and replication.

What is the base unit of a nucleic acid?

The base unit of a nucleic acid is a nucleotide, consisting of a nitrogenous base (adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine in DNA; adenine, guanine, cytosine, or uracil in RNA), a sugar molecule (deoxyribose in DNA; ribose in RNA), and a phosphate group.

Which RNA base bonded with the Thymine?

In RNA, the nitrogenous bases change and there is no longer Thymine, instead Uracil replaces Thymine but it bonds with the same base pair ( Adenine) as it would in DNA. In other words DNA base pairs are : Adenine- Thymine, Guanine-Cytosine. RNA base pairs are : Adenine- Uracil, Guanine-Cytosine.

What are the base pairing rules for DNA?

Pair rules also "nitrogenous bases" are: Adenine pairs with thymine Guanine pairs with cytosine Thymine pairs with adenine Cytosine pairs with guanine In case you are wondering when transcription occurs the top of the deoxyribose double-helix backbone can have thymine. Though on the RNA strand it cannot have thymine, but is replaced with Uracil.

How many different nitrogenous bases exist and are found in Dna?

There are only 4 nitrogenous bases in DNA. These are adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. Adenine will only pair with thymine, and guanine will only pair with cytosine.

What is meant by nitrogenous base pairs?

The pair of nitrogenous bases that connects the complementary strands of DNA or of double-stranded RNA and consists of a purine linked by hydrogen bonds to a pyrimidine: adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine in DNA, and adenine-uracil and guanine-cytosine in RNA.

The base thyamin can pair with the base?


What base in RNA pair with adenine?

Uracil. In normal DNA it would be Thymine, but in RNA Uracil becomes the base pair for Adenine.

What is complementary base pair?

Complementary base pairs are the pairing of nucleotide bases in DNA, where adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. This complementary pairing is crucial for maintaining the structure and information in the DNA molecule by forming hydrogen bonds between the bases.