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The element specified is silicon, but it is generally regarded as at least a metalloid if not a metal.

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Q: What non metal has 4 valence electronsproperties similar to carbon and an atomic mass slightly less than phosphorus?
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What the valence electron of phosphorus?

Phosphorus has five valence electrons.

Will the properties of nitrogen be more similar to the properties of neon or phosphorous?

Nitrogen and phosphorus have the same number of valence electrons (five) and will have similar properties.

What the electron of phosphorus?

Phosphorus has five valence electrons.

What is the valency of phosphorus?

Valence of phosphorus: 3, 5 or 6.

What is the valence electron configuration for the phosphorus atom?

The valence electrons are the outermost (highest energy) s and p sublevels. There are 5 valence electrons in a phosphorus atom, and it is in period 3, so its valence electron configuration is 3s23p3.

How many valece electrons do phosphorus have?

Phosphorus is a group 15 element. All group 15 elements have 5 valence electrons. Thus, phosphorus has 5 valence electrons.

How many electrons are in a phosphorus Ion's outermost energy level?

Phosphorus forms P3- ion and it has 8 valence electrons (5 valence electrons from phosphorus and three from the charge).

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Phosphorus (P) has five valence electrons.

What is the valence electrons configuration for the phosphorus atom?

The valence electrons are the outermost (highest energy) s and p sublevels. There are 5 valence electrons in a phosphorus atom, and it is in period 3, so its valence electron configuration is 3s23p3.

Why is the properties of nitrogen more similar to the properties of phosphorus?

They both are in the 15th period. They have 5 valence electrons. Both form trioxides and pentoxides.

How many electrons phosphorus must gain or lose to have 8 valence electrons?

Phosphorus wants to gain three electrons to have 8 valence electrons.

How many valance electrons are in the atom phosphorus?

There are 5 valence electrons in the atom phosphorus.