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For the first few days, smoothies and puddings and soft fruits should be okay. It will only be a few days of difficulty eating two weeks, tops. I've had mine for about a month and a half, and I eat normally now.

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13y ago

dont eat anything its all sucky just kidding

ive had mine for two days and i can eat yogurt ice cream jello and pudding and some kinds of soup but after a while it will get easier to eat

Are you dumb? You can eat anything, you just have to deal with the food getting stuck in your expander. Your teeth may hurt for a couple days and especially when you get it tightened. But you can eat anything you want. Besides popcorn and sticky things. And stuff like that. I've had my expander for about a month now. When my mom tightens it, it's just really tight and weird feeling. And now I have a gap in between my front 2 teeth. My front teeth hurt slightly but that's it. I would stay away from rice, it's really hard to get out. But there are these little brushes that you can use also. You can bend them and get the crap out. You can also suck it out, it sounds gross haha, but it works. So, yeah (:

DO NOT eat spaghetti, many people have choked on it, but if u want it, just cut it into little itty bitty pieces, as if you were feeding a mouse.

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What can you not eat with an expander?

you can eat any thing i swear i have my expander now it hurts when they tighten it but it goes away in a few sec. just dont eat smthn realy hard or chewy also do not eat gummi bears its my first day with my expander and i eat one accidentally forgetting about my expander i hate it its really hard to swallow. good luck expander ers.

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Expander - song - was created in 1992.

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I dont think you should because my cousin did, And he broke it. But if your careful then you should be okayy.

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There are only two ports available which are made by expander hardware. These ports include the following products: a port expander and a port replicator.

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Expander System Sweden AB was created in 1986.

What can you eat with an expander?

You can eat anything soft... (including ice cream) You can't eat anything hard like raw carrots. You can have gum, Sugerfree, pretty much anything else

What can you have with an expander?

A lot of people say you can't eat things with an expander, but really, you can eat anything. The problem is, you're going to have to deal with it when you start choking, or have something stuck in your expander. I just got an expander, and I remember the list of things you shouldn't eat (Not all of it) No gum, no popcorn, no granola bars, no apples or veggies (Cut them into small pieces) No chewy candy, like Laffy Taffy, Skittles, Starrburst, Suckers, so practically, that means no candy. No Spaghetti either. You might lose weight, but if you're not looking forward to that, Here are things you can eat. Mashed patatoes :) Yogurt :) Pizza :D Pasta :| Grilled Chese :| Cake :D Cookies :D Jello:) Pudding :( and soup :) So yeah.

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