

What not to give a rat?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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13y ago

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You should not give your pet rat there of the following:

BEDDING: No pine or cedar, when you buy name brand bedding, check the ingredients and see if the bedding has pine or cedar wood shavings.

CAGES: A sealed up container or a sealed up aquarium is not good for your rat, wire cages are better because the rat can breath better and avoid the possibility of respiratory infection.

FOOD: Do not give sugar, fats or salts to them. A little of there wont hurt but feed them mostly fruits and vegetables for snacks. For an everyday food, I would suggest Katee brand block food. It is filled with good nutrients. This should be the rats main diet with the occasional treat every day.

WATER: Tap water would keep them hydrated, but not healthy. Their small bodies can pick up diseases from tap that our bodies cannot. I would suggest room temperature filtered water to avoid worms and parasites of other sort. Cold water might not be the best choice because it might drop their core temperature since they drink it so fast, and they could catch a cold.

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