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Q: What note did merchants play in the growth of medieval European towns?
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What role did merchants play in growth of medieval Europe towns?

merchants ran very sizable businesses also they dominated the town and grew very wealthy

When did merchants move into towns in medieval Europe?

Merchants, by selling food and goods, attracted people to move to the towns. The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages.

What role did the merchant play in the growth of medieval European towns?

What Brought most people to towns was business- meaning trade and commerce. As Trade grew Towns did as well.

How did new farming methods contribute to the growth of medieval European towns?

People who lived in towns could start to raise their own food

What contributed to growth in towns in medieval Europe?


Name the two distinct social classes in the first Medieval towns?

artisans and merchants

What contributed to the growth of towns in medieval Europe?

Reasons for growth were improvements in agriculture and the revival of trade.

Why did the Effects of the growth of towns in medieval Europe happen?

Simple 'Rape"-- not a joke!

What are three reasons for growth in medieval towns in Europe during 1000 AD?

Thrre reasons for growth in medivial towns are....GOOD LORDS......ALL PEASANTS AND SERFS WERE SAFE AS WITH THE LORDS AND NOBLES

What made the towns of England stink during the black plague?

Dead bodies, as well as the usual refuse which made medieval European towns and cities stink.

Where did they had there medieval feast?

in medieval towns

In what way were the artisans of constantinople similar to their counterparts in the west?

Like their counterparts in medieval European towns, the artisans were organized into guilds.