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In dream interpretation systems in Western Culture, there are no numbers assigned to various images perceived in dreams. That is not how dreams work. Instead, the roasted cow carcass (beef) can be understood as a symbol or metaphor referring to something in the dreamer's life. In this case, depending on how the individual dreamer feels about roast beef, it might represent abundant food or unexpected blessings.

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Q: What number is roasted cow carcass in a dream?
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That all depends on the liveweight, age and breed of the animal. The rule of thumb, however is that the warm carcass weight or dressing yield is typically 58% of the liveweight.

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Nyama Choma is just meat. "Nyama" is Kiswahili for meat and "choma" means roasted. Roasted meat. Could be goat meat or cow meat...but its definitely roasted. Yum.

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It depends on how much this "average" cow weighs and whether you're referring to the amount of ready-to-eat meat on a cow or the hot-carcass weight of that "average" cow. It also depends on whether you're referring to a "cow" or a cow, its type and breed.

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About 500 lbs, depending on the condition of the cow and her age. Typically carcass weight is ~50% that of live weight.

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Yes, half the brisket (forward-most section of the chest) would be included in a half cow carcass from a butcher.

How much does a 1000lb cow yield after butchering?

That really depends on the breed, and whether you're referring to an actual cow or the colloquial version of a "cow," and whether that 1000 lb weight is actually live-weight or carcass weight.

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yes you did

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Menudo is another word for tripe, which is the stomach of a cow. The stomach is separated from the carcass, cleaned of all contents, scalded and bleached to clean it, then packaged and shipped out for consumption.